Monday, October 08, 2007


The Republican Party has been a pro-life party since 1980. All the nominees of the party since then (Reagan, Bush 41, Dole, Bush 43) have been at least committed to an essentially pro-life position. My how times have changed. The man leading most of the national polls for the Republican nomination currently is pro-abortion. That isn't his only major difference with the voters of the party. Rudy has shown himself to be pro-gun control and pro-gay marriage as well. His positions place him squarely as a moderate, whatever his view of the war happens to be. His campaign is a one trick pony centering on 9/11. Guliani must be stopped.
The only elected official in the nation who has any measurable influence on the life issue is the President. Through his appointments to the federal judiciary and Supreme Court, the President can directly influence the character and views of those on the bench. The goal continues to be an overturning of the 1974 Roe v. Wade case that opened a flood of 30 million elective abortions. The case was wrongly decided and based on medical evidence we now know is terribly outdated and incorrect. Nominating and electing a candidate who threatens the gains that have been made so far on the Supreme Court is not helpful. Rudy's claims that he will nominate "strict constructionist" judges are insufficient. The Republican Party must have a nominee that believes Roe should be overturned. It is an essential plank in the platform.
Rudy's history on gun control (already chronicled here previously) is extremely discouraging. He does not believe in an individual right to bear arms under the Second Ammendment, and has supported restrictions of varying degrees. Rudy thinks less guns equals less crime, and that is a dangerous notion.
Guliani does not support a Constitutional ammendment banning gay marriage. Fred Thompson has at least suggested an ammendment that would leave the issue to governors and state legislatures, a road down which none will dare to tread. Rudy's open and eager support of gay marriage should be a giant red "X" for Republicans. Those voters concerned about the decline and corruption of our culture cannot look to Rudy for support: strike three to cultural conservatives.
Rudy Guliani cannot be allowed to grab the Republican nomination for President under false pretenses. He is not a conservative and does not support any of the three issues central to many primary voters. Thinking Rudy can beat Hillary, and therefore must be nominated is wrong-headed. The Republican Party prospers when it espouses and sticks to conservative ideals, and gets burned when it strays. Nominating Rudy will result in the election of Billary, and none of us want to face that horrible prospect. Voters in the general election deserve a clear choice between Clinton's leftist socialism and good old American conservatism. Fred Thompson is the only man who can defeat Billary in the general with solid, conservative principles intact.

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