Friday, October 26, 2007


"THE RELIGION OF PEACE": Hina Saleem, pictured above, will be remembered in a service in Northern Italy next month. The young Pakistani woman was killed by her father and other male relatives, who claim she "dishonored" their family. Hina's crimes? Wearing western clothing, working in a pizzaria, and living with her Italian boyfriend. She was found in the family garden with her throat cut. This is a typical case of Muslim abuse of women, something American women of all political stripes should be decrying. That doesn't happen because the left does not want to be seen supporting W, so the left is silent about honor killings like Hina's, widespread beatings of Muslim women for trivial causes, and genital mutilation. You may notice a new link on this page to "The Religion of Peace" website. I highly recommend this site as a source of the ugly truth about Islam.
CODE PINK OUTRAGE: The pathetic anti-military group "Code Pink" has become a dangerous distraction on Capitol Hill. Secretary of State Condi Rice was confronted and nearly assaulted by a crazed woman with hands painted red on Wednesday before testimony to the House on U.S. foreign policy. This lunatic was able to get way too close to Secretary Rice, and the incident raises security concerns. "Code Pink" has been repeatedly disruptive on the Hill, and now some action must be taken. The group should be labeled a security risk and banned from Congressional access. The whole incident reminds us that you never have a flamethrower when you need one. "Code Pink" is an ally of Al Qaeda working to hamper the war effort, and should be treated accordingly. Dog cages at GITMO seem appropriate.
BILLARY'S B-DAY: Slick Willie hosted a fundraiser in New York city last night for Billary, who is turning 60 years old. Billy Crystal and Elvis Costello (remember those names) were among the stars present. The event was held at the Beacon Theater and raised over $1.5M for Billary's campaign. In an apparent attempt to make everyone ill, Slick Willie said his wife was "looking, I think, very beautiful." Yuck.
MONEY MATTERS: New figures for the estimated cost of the war are sending the left into a tizzy. As they have done in the past, the Dems will use the numbers to cry about social spending programs, as if there is any comparison. Frankly, discussing the costs of war is offensive. It's either worth doing or it's not. Americans won't need health care if they are killed by terrorists. The left is loathe to spend any money on the military at all (ever), so they'll use any means to pound the President. The Dems, as usual, have their priorities askew.
THOMPSON PROPOSES IMMIGRATION CRACKDOWN: Republican Presidential candidate Fred Thompson is calling out his rivals and proposing federal funds be denied to so-called "sanctuary cities". Properly claiming current immigration laws are not enforced, Thompson took direct aim at Guliani and Romney. Both gentlemen supported a policy of harboring illegals while in office and now falsely claim a sudden conversion to tougher policies. "Taxpayer money should not be provided to illegal immigrants," Thompson said.
TELL 'EM: SECDEF Robert Gates, appearing before a European military conference, correctly questioned the commitment of NATO allies to the Afghan front. I can't say it any better than Gates: "If an alliance of the world's greatest democracies cannot summon the will to get the job done in a mission that we agree is morally just and vital to our security, then our citizens may begin to question both the worth of the mission and the utility of the 60-year-old trans-Atlantic security project itself." Amen, SECDEF.

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