Friday, October 26, 2007



A. "JINGO" WORD HISTORY: In 1878, Great Britain was gripped by anti-Russian sentiment. A popular song of the time contained the lyrics "We don't want to fight, but by Jingo if we do; We've got the ships, We've got the men, We've got the money too." By the turn of the century "jingoes" had become a somewhat derogatory term applied to anyone deemed too nationalistic or aggressive in foreign policy. Theodore Roosevelt spoke on the issue to the New York Times in 1895, dismissing the negative connotations of the phrase. The "we don't want to fight" part of the equation had been lost. Now the term is used like a swear word by the defeatist left. Defined in a post-9/11 context, it should refer to those supporting an aggressive and even belligerent war and foreign policy as the best means of securing America in the modern world. Modern American jingoists can point to multiple historical examples of a passive America inviting attack. Since 9/11 the equation has shifted in favor of "staying on offense" and high levels of American involvement abroad. The jingoist will rightly tell you America has no choice but to lean forward at all times, not just when under attack. The world is full of enemies and potential enemies, not butterflies and balloons.

B. MODERN AMERICAN CONSERVATISM: Largely sculpted by Ronald Reagan, conservatism in the sense used here centers around four basic ideas:

1. SMALLER GOVERNMENT: Government at all levels is too large, inefficient, and subject to fraud and abuse. Efforts to increase the size and scope of especially the federal government should be opposed.

2. LOWER TAXES: At least three times since World War 2 major federal tax cuts have spurred the economy and increased total government revenues due to faster growth. Government is also forced to be more frugal and less intrusive when taxes are kept low.

3. PRO-LIFE: Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and largely based on 1973 technology and medical evidence now known to be wrong. This matter is clearly not addressed by the Constitution, and thus should be left to the individual states.

4. PRO-2ND AMMENDMENT: The individual right to bear arms is a cornerstone of American freedom and is constitutionally guaranteed. Free citizens should not have to seek the permission of police or government agencies to trade or own arms for self-defense.

C. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: Combining the two root words gives us a specific and clear philosophy adhering to the four major conservative principles (lower taxes, smaller government, pro-life, pro-2nd Ammendment) and advocating an aggressive war and foreign policy. Jingocons believe America must adopt these policies or face moral and literal destruction.

1. The United States of America is the primary force for good in the modern world. Americans have shed more blood for the people of other lands than any nation in history.

2. The United States is and must remain the preeminent military force in the world.

3. The role of the President of the United States as Commander in Chief of the armed forces is sacrosanct and should not be infringed or impeded by the Supreme Court or Congress. The President should only take major military action with a Congressional declaration of war or authorization for use of force. The President is constitutionally obligated to take immediate military action without authorization in vital and immediate matters.
4. The United States should maintain a forward leaning posture in all international affairs. Military action should be taken only when all deliberate peaceful means of resolution have been reasonably exhausted. Ground forces should be used only when accomplishment of the mission is not possible with air and naval forces alone.
5. International organizations cannot guarantee American national security, and thus their permission is not needed or desired prior to taking military action vital to our defense. The United Nations should be dismantled if it refuses reform. The United States should not participate in or fund international agencies other than those whose members are democratic allies. International law should never be used as a basis or means of adjucating American domestic law.
6. The United States must not allow threats to our security to fully materialize before taking appropriate action.
7. The men and women of the United States military should always have the best training, equipment, leadership, and support than can possibly be provided. Pay and benefit levels for service members are woefully inadequate and should be drastically increased. The compensation for families of those killed in our service, and the compensation and health care benefits for wounded members and veterans should also be drastically increased. American veterans should receive priority in all federal, state, and local government contracts and hiring.
8. The borders and ports of the United States should be secured through physical or electronic means as soon as possible. Those who have violated our sovereignty and entered the country illegally should be deported immediately. Employers who hire illegal immigrants should face exorbitantly heavy fines. Priority for legal immigration should be given to democratic allies.
9. A clearly sufficient defense industry is vital to our national security. All weapons, equipment, and supplies utilized by the U.S. military should without exception be made in America.
10. The United States should never under any circumstances tolerate the use of torture. The U.S. Congress should clearly and unequivocally define torture, including specific procedures that are not permissable.
11. The spread of democracy around the globe greatly enhances but is not essential to American national security. All peaceful means of promoting and establish democratic governments should be encouraged and supported. The extent to which the United States should militarily support democratic movements should be commensurate with the desires of the foreign citizens involved and their own ability to assist.
12. Energy is a national security issue. Every reasonable effort should be made to reduce or eliminate dependence on foreign energy sources and to develop successful alternative sources domestically. Increased domestic production and sensible conservation measures should be pursued in the short term to alleviate market pressures. An America free from dependence on foreign oil would both greatly increase our flexibility abroad and strengthen our economy.
13. Ballistic missile defense programs are technologically feasible and should receive increased funding. Deployment of systems should only occur in requesting allied nations.
14. It should at all times be clear to foreign powers that the United States of America is and will remain no better friend and no worse enemy.
III. WHY THE "NEOCONS" WERE AND ARE WRONG: The group of supposed conservatives labeled "neocons" did not fit the name and had fatal misconceptions about military operations. These gentlemen were not new, in the sense that many of them had been in and out of government for years. They were, for the most part, not conservative in their desire to apply American military power to install democracy in a nation (Iraq) that had ancient tribal roots and no recent experience with any form of self-government. While our military will in fact succeed in this mission, it has been made far more bloody and difficult because of the poor judgement of the situation before the conflict began. The neocons usually consider the idea of America spreading democracy essential to our security. While it definitely improves our own security, it is also definitely not essential. Now this same group is hawkish on Iran, and that notion should be viewed with skepticism. Military action against Iran may indeed become necessary, but it remains the very last option and should be done only with detailed prior planning and without ground forces.
IV. WHAT JINGOCONSERVATISM IS NOT: Jingocons recognize that an America that is aggressive and active on the international scene best secures our own nation and assists our allies and potential allies. It is not warmongering, it is not bloodthirsty, and does not seek to dominate any foreign land. American troops are always liberators and we do not "occupy" other nations. The United States is and must be the most powerful force for good ever known by man.

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