The United States of America will continue to face times of great peril for many years to come. An adult hand is needed on the tiller of state to avoid crashing against numerous rocky shores. The presidential campaign of 2008 has begun in earnest and the field of Republican candidates continues to grow. The Jingoconservative endorsement must go to former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson.
Perhaps the most expedient method of explaining this endorsement is to analyze the other candidates. Clearly any of the following gentlemen would be preferrable to any of the defeatist Democrats.
FORMER N.Y. CITY MAYOR RUDI GULIANI: Rudi is a good man and has it exactly right in saying that America needs to stay on the offensive. His social views, however, are far from conservative. He would also face a terrible pounding from the media over his past personal life.
FORMER MASS. GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY: Gov. Romney seems like a nice guy, but has had too many campaign conversions to conservative principles. He governed as a moderate in Massachussets, and that's what got us where we are today - electing conservatives that morph into moderates after inauguration.
SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: His record as a real war hero is unquestioned. The same cannot be said of his record as a conservative. The McCain-Kennedy-Bush immigration bill fails to properly secure our ports and borders and provides amnesty and eventual citizenship to those who have violated our sovereignty.
THE GOOD CONSERVATIVES WHO CAN'T WIN: California Representative Duncan Hunter and former Virgina Governor Jim Gilmore are both Vietnam vets who get it on the war and immigration. Kansas Senator Sam Brownback, Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, and former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson are all solid conservatives but relative unknowns. California Representative Tom Tancredo seems to be running on the immigration issue alone. All of these good men would face overwhelming challenges against a potential Democrat candidate. It's just a bridge too far in each case.
Men like Senator Thompson do not come along often. He has enough experience in law and government to perform well in an executive role. He has also had enough experience outside of Washington to know that D.C. is not the be all and end all of the American experience. His record as a solid conservative is another asset in troubling times. What seperates him from the rest of the field is his ability to communicate conservative ideas in a clear and understandable fashion. I look forward to his first debate appearance. It would not be fair to Fred to start throwing around Reagan comparisons. That's just too heavy a mantle for a primary candidate. His lack of military experience, usually a prerequisite, is not a factor because it's clear he can handle critical situations with a firm manner. He's also smart enough to listen to military commanders and has displayed a good grasp of military affairs.
The United States of America and the Republican Party need Fred Thompson. This is not the time to hand over the role of CINC to those who cannot even manage to utter the phrase "Islamic terrorists". The stakes are far too high for that sort of delusion. The Republican Party need a candidate who can clearly articulate fundamnetal conservative ideas in an effective manner. Senator Thompson is correct in asserting that the war is civilization versus evil, and he has the ability to make the Dems look naive in asserting that it's not. And he would be right. Fred Thompson is a unique candidate among a weak field in important times.
Fred Thompson for President in 2008.
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