Tuesday, June 19, 2007


The Queen of the Pantsuit almost made me hurl my remote through the television tonight. I was watching her performance with Chris Matthews at the AFSCME meeting and her answers to several questions about Iraq. Her answers were not only completely unacceptable but contradictory as well. How unusual.

First, Chris asked about her plan for retreat from Iraq, and she said she would commence withdrawal immediately. Then she was asked about the possiblity of a "residual" force, and she said it might be a necessity to fight Al Qaeda. Hello! If Billary thinks that there are significant enough numbers of Al Qaeda in Iraq to require forces to fight them, then why would anyone withdraw? Within sixty seconds she expressed two completely opposing ideas on the same subject. Of course, she trotted out that tired old line about our troops caught in a "civil war". Those who use that term fail to mention that the sectarian violence was largely started and continues to be fed by Al Qaeda and their terrorist allies.

Those who are calling for surrender in Iraq also fail to mention any word of what might take place after a precipitous American withdrawal. That may be turn out to be a horrific picture indeed, and those who extol surrender now may come to regret it later in the face of widespread violence, the killing of all those who helped us, and perhaps genocide. They just don't seem to grasp or care about the clear collapse that will happen if we leave too soon. Proposed Dem policies on Iraq certainly don't encourage those helping us there or those who might in the future.

Billary must be defeated. We cannot allow casual clothing to return to the White House or a return to the degredation of the office of President. The junior Senator from New York is proposing policies that are a direct threat to American national security and are illogical. The rest of the Dems are no better and march in philosophical lockstep. None of them would be good for America or our armed forces.

Billary announced today that she has selected a Celine Dion song for her campaign theme. Odd, considering Celine is from CANADA!

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