Friday, June 15, 2007


"In war there is no second prize for runner-up."

General Omar Bradley

Our nation is at what is perhaps the most important crossroad in its history. The decisions made could protect or endanger millions of American lives. The fate of even our way of life hangs in the balance, yet we see alleged national leaders advocating retreat and surrender on a daily basis. The time has come to drop the political correctness and deal with the reality of this war. Whether intentional or out of a misguided notion of war itself, those who attack national war policy in an open and vociferous manner are helping fulfill Al Qaeda strategy.

Propaganda distributed through the media is an integral element of Al Qaeda strategy. Speeches given on the House or Senate floor now reach a worldwide audience instantaneously. Public statements reverberate across the internet to that same vast audience. Political leaders of this era must realize that the words they use can cause significant damage to our war effort. The amount and reach of modern communications places a special burden of accountability on those in vital leadership positions. Bin Laden and his terrorist allies relish outrageous criticisms of the CINC and defeatist statements about Iraq and Afghanistan. They can point to them as signs of American weakness.

Another major part of the Bin Laden plan is to divide Americans, and they have largely succeeded. Of course, they had plenty of help from within the U.S. and abroad delivering a daily hammering of the President on any number of issues. Democrats and other liberals have developed a sort of insane rabies when it comes to Bush and the war. As with most of their philosophy, it's more something they feel than a legitimate set of policy ideas. The fact is shows like "Countdown" on MSNBC have become little more than nightly liberal screeds. Unfortunately, Mr. Olberman is not alone in helping to implement Islamofascist strategy. No matter the context or proper explanation of the story, these same "journalists" always come to the same conclusion: Bush is a liar, Bush is evil, blah, blah, blah. These folks constantly make snide little statements of fact that are totally false or misguided or both. Never are alternative solutions offered, just a constant infantile whine. In their fanatical efforts to oppose the President, defeatists are providing fodder for the Al Qaeda propaganda mills, inestimatably damaging the war effort here and especially abroad. They may claim a sort of political immunity, but that does nothing to address the damage already caused.

Democrat Party national leaders are a disgrace. Sen. Harry Reid referring to Gen. Peter Pace (one of the finest Marines of our generation) as "incompetent" is only the latest example of public comments that go beyond proper civility. This sort of statement may indeed make political points with loony liberals, but it also (once again) fulfills Islamofascist designs to divide us. No politician can make that sort of comment in wartime without understanding the consequences abroad, and Senator Reed should know better.

The last bastion of liberal defense against aiding and abetting charges is to claim that their somehow untouchable "patriotism" is being questioned. It's time to bust up that idea for good. Yes, Dems, I am indeed questioning the patriotism of those who would run from a fight with Al Qaeda or unnecessarily slander the CINC in wartime. No true American who loves this nation could possibly counsel retreat or withdrawal from a heated battle with brutal terrorists who think nothing of using children as part of suicide bombings.

What is proper for dissent at this time? National political and media leaders must carefully weigh the effects of their words. Using the CINC as a punching bag is unacceptable. Preaching surrender in Iraq emboldens our terrorist enemy. Perhaps political leaders should consider measured statements in public and the raising of serious objections to war policy to behind closed doors. The media should consider what responsibilities they have to our fighting men and women. Whatever is said, you can be assured Al Qaeda is listening. Signs of our division are signs of success to them.


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