Tuesday, July 31, 2007


PAKISTAN: As predicted right here, combat between the Paki military and Al Qaeda is heating up as the summer goes along. It shouldn't be too long before a combined operation can be launched, if it hasn't already begun. In perhaps another four to six weeks, the terrorists can expect a major hammer and anvil attack, and that's not a secret. What they may not realize is the position into which they have placed Musharraf: kill or be killed.

WE JUST CAN'T HAVE THIS: So the NY Times prints (of all things) a story written by two gentlemen previously critical of all things Iraq front saying things are getting better. Amazing. How did this get past the politburo? This simply will not fly. The gyrations from the libs since are disgraceful as usual. This type of thinking does not fit the script the Dems have already written. There is no coming back from the defeatist position they've taken, so if things continue to become more secure, they have nowhere to go. They'll be seen as the party who advocated withdrawing American forces from a battle against Al Qaeda they were winning. The next step in Iraq has to be political progress, and that leadership has to come from the Iraqis themselves. Bush should continue the surge and push hard for the Iraqi legislators to work harder. May I suggest a little global public humilition?

WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS?: There has been some discussion starting late last week concerning one Presidential candidates exposure of a certain body part that shall remain nameless. This is gross. Talk radio discussion of this matter has already ruined several of my lunches. Please stop.

EXECUTE PEDOPHILES: Some dirtbag is getting press because he stalks young girls and posts their photos on the web, along with advice on how to remain a legal pedophile and places for others to stalk children. Dan Abrams of MSNBC should be ashamed for broadcasting an interview with the aforementioned creep. Airing that interview was no less than promoting pedophilia. Offenders convicted of sex crimes against children should receive the death penalty for the first offense. Attempting to rehab these villains is a waste of public funds. Our society needs a big dose of reality on this subject. The idea of letting people loose around our children who are so dangerous we have to maintain a list and keep the public informed is absolutely absurd. One of our innocent children is more precious than all the child molestors who have ever lived. I am sick to death of children being sexually assaulted by those previously convicted of such crimes. Under the first time death penalty, that never happens. Protecting our kids has to come before the rights of evil men.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007


HARDBALL STUPIDITY: Chris Matthews showed his liberal behind yesterday during a discussion with Pete Hegseth of Vets For Freedom and Jon Soltz of VoteVets.Org, an anti-war group. Matthews showed his legendary lefty bias in his usual manner, constantly interrupting and questioning the ideas of the conservative (Mr. Hegseth) while allowing the defeatist (Mr. Soltz) to ramble at length without interruption or interrogation. This tactic has worn out its welcome with me, and so has Hardball. The conservative just cannot get a fair shake. When answering, the conservative first has to refute the "fact" Matthews has thrown out as gospel, then actually go on to address the alleged question. It seemed Mr. Hegseth did not have more than twenty seconds uninterrupted to state his views. The lefty just nodded in agreement with Mathews' childish preambles, listened while Chris browbeat Hegseth, and then had unlimited time to respond. Unless someone really interesting makes an appearance, "Hardball" has to be placed in the same category as "Countdown with Keith Olberman": not really news, but rather defeatist propaganda presented in a news format.

PAKISTAN: Musharraf has started to martial some of his forces to battle the Taliban and Al Qaeda vermin infesting his country. There is a bloody showdown coming in the northern mountains, and you can expect a push by NATO forces from the other side (Afghanistan) when the stuff hits the fan. The hammer and anvil tactic has been tried before, but never with real Pakistani cooperation. At this point, Musharraf has a choice: either kill them or they will kill you. With nuclear weapons involved, America has to hope he wins.

TONY BLAIR: The former British Prime Minister has started his Middle East diplomacy tour. I cannot imagine why he would want to take on such a convoluted mess, but more power to him. He will find in short order that negotiating with bloodthirsty savages is impossible. The Palestinian areas are essentially under the control of Hamas and their sad little katyushas. Working out anything would be a miraculous accomplishment. Mr. Blair is a good man trying to help in a very bad region of the world. No doubt his travels will be many.

GERALDO: Why is FNC allowing that smarmy guy with the bad toupee take up more and more airtime? Oh wait, that's Geraldo. Okay, why is FNC allowing far left liberal Geraldo to take up more and more airtime? His job appears to be defending the indefensible for the loony lefties at every turn. My former unit (101ABN) kicked his behind out of Iraq for talking too much. Maybe we can arrange an air assault to swoop into the Fox studios and snatch Geraldo, then drop him over at MSNBC or CNN where he belongs.


Monday, July 23, 2007


The Democrap candidates for President participated in a ridiculous "debate" put together by YouTube and CNN. One should have been able to guess that this monstrous combination could produce only one result: the most absurd forum ever seen for potential leaders of the free world (gulp). The majority of the questions asked had nothing to do with the actual job of President. This was cartoonish and undignified. Some might consider it "fun", but what it really represents is further dimunition of the office itself at the hands of the media.

A few of the questions submitted by YouTube users and selected in advance were actually serious inquiries concerning policy, but only a few. A member of our military stationed in Okinawa asked how Billary would deal with Muslim countries to whom womens rights are unknown. Hadn't thought of that one, but Billary was ready with her stock answer about her travels as First Lady. Not the same, Senator. No Arab will smooch your buttocks when you're the President of the United States. Surely she understands the difference between the two positions, or does she have experience at blurring that line? She even suggested it might be a poke in the eye to the Arabs. I don't see that. More like they would be ready to take advantage. Several other folks submitted questions about the Iraq front, and no news was made. The Democrap candidates are uniformly yellow.

Now to the bulk of the "debate". The Dems rally around four basic ideas:

1. We should retreat from Al Qaeda in Iraq and damn the consequences;
2. President Bush is bad and wrong and stubborn;
3. Raise federal taxes across the board; and
4. Use those taxes to fund bigger federal government.

Unfortunately for them, W. will not be running in '08. It will indeed be interesting to see what happens when the Dems lose their boogeyman/whipping boy. Governor Richardson actually used the phrase "major federal program". Now Governor, you've seen how effective the "major federal program" we call Border Patrol or ICE is at stopping illegals. Maybe the feds should get control of the programs they already have before they start more. They just never stop wanting to expand the size and scope of government at all levels. As for the taxes, people will not vote for a tax increase to expand government that cannot perform its basic duties. Even proposing retreat from the Iraq front aids enemy propaganda and fuels the terrorists. I never imagined we would witness this sort of willful retreat in the face of real evil.

Many of the questions diminished the Presidency itself or did not apply to the actual job. Questions about female registration for Selective Service, their favorite teacher, whether their children went to public or private school, and whether they had spoken to their kids about age appropriate sexual matters all have absolutely nothing to do with beig President of the United States. All wastes of time in an effort to be cute. It didn't stop there. Crazy Dennis Kucinich actually encourage the audience to text "PEACE" to members of Congress. Questions submitted by a snowman about global warming and a heavy metal rap video about No Child Left Behind did nothing to add to the prestige. Laughably, the Dem audience observing for Frank Luntz on Fox were all fired up about the format. It is notable that the idea of Congress infringing on the role of CINC is uniform throughout the left.

Hussein Obama showed the inside of his empty suit by immediately agreeing to meet with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuala, and North Korea. Billary jumped in and slammed him by saying she would only do so if proper diplomatic work were done ahead of time. Looney Mike Gravel provided the irony for the night in a campaign commercial claiming Iraq should have been a "police action based on global intelligence." Think about that.

Once again, Fred Thompson for President 2008.



Yesterday on Beat The Press, Wisconsin Senator Puss Feingold called for two congressional censures of the President, keeping up his best efforts to lose the war and install a Muslim caliphate in North America. The Senator is a classic example of the deranged defeatist who just can't seem to shut up, especially when Al Qaeda is listening. This attempt at censure will hopefully get as many votes as his last attempt: all of 3.

Senator Feingold claims the administration deserves censure on two counts: (1) sending troops to Iraq without adequate preparation and making misleading statements before the war, and (2) a continuous "assault against the rule of law" (referring to warrantless wiretaps, etc.). Where to begin? This Senator has opposed every measure of any value to our security or military that he has seen. There is no war, according to guys like Puss. It's all made up (9/11 conspiracies and all). He demonstrates an amazing lack of historical events, especially military. His brand of rabid anti-Bush rhetoric does not politically advance him or contribute to reasoned debate. All it does is point out that Senator Feingold comes to the table with a prepared agenda that is not subject to reason. Like most liberal arguments, it's emotional and not logical. I just can't wade through all his defeatist nonsense anymore.

Senator Feingold says "This administration has weakened America in a way that is frightful." What's really frightful is that almost six years after 9/11, we still have elected officials who refuse to defend America. It's ironic that there's a link of Feingolds Senate page for "Helping Military Families". He should start with supporting the MISSION and not aiding and abetting our terrorist enemies. He's just another coward running from the fight.

He and his defeatist allies should be checked into GITMO with their buddies until the war is over.


Friday, July 20, 2007


On Friday, Billary struck back at the Pentagon for telling the truth. Surely she cannot allow the most respected institution in America to call her out for aiding the enemy. The sad truth is that the words used by the Pentagon to slam Billary are applicable to her Dem amigos as well. Come to think of it, the words used by Billary to strike back are hypocritical and are a perfect description of her proposed Iraq front policy.

She is demanding to see plans for American withdrawal from Iraq. Instead of brushing her off politely, the aide in question took a shot at her. Probably inappropriate, but true. The Senator from New York has no appreciation for the propaganda value such an admission represents. Membership on the Senate Armed Services Committee does not make you Queen of the Armed Forces. It's merely another constitutional reach by Congress into CINC territory.

Late Friday, Billary struck back. She called the remarks "offensive and inappropriate", saying the administration opposes "Congressional oversight". Nonsense. Legislators playing armchair general 8,000 miles from the battle think it's "oversight". John Kerry even joined in the howling. Of course, by that point they had to trod out the tired old "they're impugning my patriotism" horse. Sorry, Senators, not this time. The man said you're helping enemy propaganda, so yeah, I guess it is a qestion of patriotism. Do you want America to win or not? Funny, because every Democrap bray tells me you want to surrender Iraq to the minions of Al Qaeda, handing them a great victory.

A statement issued by SECDEF Gates was not encouraging. He should come right out and tell the cold, hard truth: that all the crybaby whining is not helpful to our effort. SECDEF seems to be attempting to smooth things over instead of standing ground on a morally superior position. How unusual.


Thursday, July 19, 2007


The Pentagon has finally spoken out against the harmful effects of all defeatist talk here at home. At least now I am not alone in pointing out and condemning statements urging surrender to Al Qaeda that only encourage our enemies. Legitimate and reasoned opposition to policy is not the issue, but rather the harmful effects of outrageous public statements. The Democraps have mastered the art of screeds harmful to the war effort, and it's past time they were taken to task for it.

Billary has been pushing the Pentagon to develop plans for withdrawal from the Iraq front. The pushing has been so persistent and public that the Defense Department finally had to say something. It's striking that the White House hasn't taken this issue up with all the Dems. Their public condemnations of Bush and a war effort vital to our national security are just not in the national interest. Admittedly some of the blame lies with the administration for not maintaining better communications with Congress. On the other hand, those making political hay out of shortsighted opposition to fighting Al Qaeda can't expect the buddy treatment. Both sides have fell short of the cooperation necessary for a comprehensive war effort. The Pentagon says talk of planning for withdrawal from the Iraq front fuels terrorist propaganda. No, really?

Billary continues to stick by her twisted Iraq policy. She wants to get the troops out, but Al Qaeda's there, so a "residual" force will remain. This begs the question of why any American would withdraw from a scrap with terrorists, especially when the enemy has designated it a central front. Front, ladies and gentlemen, not "Iraq War" like it's not part of the wider effort. The Senator from New York is stuck between primary and general election politics, and an essentially inexplicable strategy for Iraq is the result. That's a dangerous place for America to be.

Fellow Dems daring to oppose Billary in the primary are trying out the tactic of having their spouses criticize her. Elizabeth Edwards has led the pack on this. Boy, liberals sure are comfortable hiding behind skirts. Whether it's the war or calling talk shows, Dem candidates use their wives like relief pitching. Still, no one is really throwing or landing any punches.

Notice there is no picture for this entry. Think about it.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Today has brought sad news in word of the passing of General Wayne Downing. General Downing served 34 years in the Army before retiring in 1996. He was called back into service after 9/11, and was frequently a contributing military analyst on MSNBC.

General Downing suffered a sudden cancer that took him away far too soon. He served our nation for his entire life, and his service to America will be greatly missed. He became the go-to general for many.

We hope his surviving family will find comfort in knowing that he was one of the finest soldiers and most caring military leaders of our time.

All the way, Sir.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The United States Senate will be in session all night tonight just to debate yet another surrender proposal for the Iraq front. Where does one start with this? The actual matter the distinguished gentlemen are debating is the "Levin-Reid" ammendment requiring withdrawal of U.S. forces by nest March. The two named sponsors of the ammendment should tell you everything about this particular bit of theater. The Senate is once again dishonored as the Democraps pursue another bridge too far effort to satisfy their defeatist base.

First, it is already known that the ammendment will not garner the sixty vote total needed for passage. Senate rules require sixty votes to do anything. The Dems defended the sixty vote rule when they were the minority, and the Republicans have a duty to do the same. Staying up all night isn't going to change any votes. Democrap Senate Majority Leader Harry "Turban" Reid says the all night session is necessary to explain Republican "obstruction" (insisting on the sixty vote total). Nevermind that our good friend from Nevada is wasting Senate time pursuing a measure he knows will not pass. There is indeed business other than exceeding their constitutional war authority the Senate could and should be pursuing.

Second, the point is moot. Unless "Turban" Reid can muster up a veto-proof majority (2/3), he's wasting time. Is anyone not familiar with the Presidents position on troop withdrawal? It's only been stated about a thousand times. Any Congressional effort to even hint at withdrawal will be vetoed. Until the surrender monkeys can count on votes in excess of the 2/3 needed, all they can do is flap their gums and throw feces. Perhaps there is another bill that harms our national security Senator Reid would like to push.

Public consensus has settled on the idea of waiting to hear from General Petreaus
in September. We owe at least that to all involved. The Democraps are once again going too far in their effort to embarass the CINC.

Texas Senator John Cornyn (pictured above) called it a "slumber party". He's right. It's a bunch of little girls who won't get their way, so they make everyone stay for the night.


Monday, July 16, 2007


After four years of carping and whining from the Dems, I'm almost completely deaf to their protestations. Their liberalism is always an appeal to emotion rather than logic, and the "facts" they endlessly spew like a magic anti-Bush spell are dubious at best. I've reached the point where I just can't listen to their petty, sanctimonious, and defeatist diatribes any longer. My tolerance for them is limited to begin with, and on almost every argument they make, there is a bridge too far lurking in the frame visible to anyone not slavishly connected to the media.

Talk show hosts are killing me. It's just not possible for a conservative to get a fair question, much less a fair shake from most debate opportunities. The suppositions contained within their smarmy little liberal talking points are consistent: invariably factually incorrect and always stated with liberal opinion on the matter weaved in as gospel truth. Chris Matthews is the master of this art. The broad spectrum of the liberal media does the very same thing, perhaps to a lesser degree, but with the same intent. The liberal in the debate can then agree with the untruth and proceed to attack. The conservative has to first refute the untruth and parry the attack before making a point of their own. Check out "Hardball" or any CNN interview and you will quickly and clearly see the pattern described above.

Democrats need to decide whether or not they will ever defend America. No military action of any kind is ever to their liking. Their specialty is backbiting the CINC and abetting the enemy through anti-American and defeatist statements. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who should be wearing a turban by now. It's just pathetic that a political party has chosen to put political gain above national defense interests as a matter of course.

I never dreamed the country would need motivational therapy to fight the war just six years after 9/11. Everyone involved should go back and read the speech given to Congress by President Bush on September 20, 2001. He did try to tell us about the length and difficulty of the struggle at hand. If an attack comes to our shores again, those who have bitched and moaned about every aspect of the war at home and abroad will bear a large part of the responsibility because their actions demonstrate weakness, and thus encourage terrorists. My hearing gets worse every day.

Of course, unfortunately a Democrap will be President again one day. And I will accord them all the respect for office that they have shown President Bush. Except when it comes to matters vital to our defense, and in those cases I will salute and support our armed forces AND their CINC. Can any of the Dems say that now?

Every day that passes makes Joe Lieberman look more and more like the last Dem with any sense at all remaining.


Sunday, July 15, 2007


Lady Bird Johnson passed away last Wednesday and was buried in Texas today next to former President Lyndon Johnson. The legacy she leaves behind is more than most women can ever hope to accomplish.

The woman born Claudia Alta Taylor in 1912 eventually became a successful business woman, genteel First Lady, and an environmentalist way before green was cool. That doesn't even mention her ability to tolerate Lyndon and somehow help to manage his chaotic political career. Many of his personal documents carry her handwritten notations. The Highway Beautification Act of 1965 enacted her vision of flower-lined freeways into law, and the country is still benefitting from that and her founding of several wildflower research and promotion organizations. A winner of the Medal of Freedom in 1977 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 1988, Mrs. Johnson brought grace, beauty, and dignity to everthing she did, and she was tireless. She was married to Lyndon for 39 years and that in itself must have been a major accomplishment.

It has been disturbing over the past week to see the lack of media coverage of Mrs. Johnsons passing, service, and burial. None of the major news networks carried any of the services live, leaving CSPAN as the only coverage. That seemed odd, since Lady Bird should have been celebrated as a liberal icon for all the reasons listed above and more. Perhaps her legacy as faithful spouse to Lyndon when he was anything but falls outside the scope of the Feminazi model. In any event, the mass media should be ashamed. A major female figure in American history died with little notice from a liberal media with other petty concerns. A former First Lady of the United States deserved better, especially Mrs. Johnson.

Farewell, Lady Bird, and thanks for the flowers.


Friday, July 13, 2007


Present through all the Iraq debate is an underlying constitutional crisis. The executive power of the CINC is being assailed by an ever more vocal Congress. Assorted seneseless resolutions concerning Iraq have passed with narrow Democrat majorities, including this week. Despite popular concern over executive power, it is Congress that grabs for power by attempting to command troops in the field from their chair-shaped behinds in Washington. The role of Congress and the President are clearly defined, or at least are supposed to be.

One doesn't have to be a constitutional scholar to see the issue clearly. The role of Congress is restricted to declaring war, and either raising, supporting, or providing for the armed forces. That's it. Article II, Section 2 states "The President shall be commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;...". These two roles are simply stated and brightly marked. The Founders didn't write this stuff by chance. They knew that a remote Congress cannot and should not attempt to directly command troops in the field. They wisely left the soldiering to Washington, who often chastised legislators for failing to provide for deployed forces. This arrangement worked much to their success, especially since many in the Continental Congress lacked basic knowledge of military affairs. Sound familiar?

As events progress, consider how far Congress is attempting to reach. Match that against the Constitution, and you can clearly see Congress attempting to wield executive power. Investigation and not legislation will probably rule for the remainder of the current administration. President Bush is right to stand firm when 535 little generals on Capitol Hill attempt to command forces from eight thousand miles away. Their only choice is either to fund the war or not fund the war. And since they have already demonstrated that they likely will not anytime soon acquire the political guts to terminate funding, expect the status quo.

I always feel better when Congress is out of town.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Coverage of one particular story today should have dominated programming. It is a story that directly impacts our national defense and economy, and yet no one seemed to notice. The lack of coverage for this story forever proves the vapidity of the liberal media.

The United States Navy has announced the USS ENTERPRISE will be joining the USS STENNIS and USS NIMITZ in the Persian Gulf. The addition of a third American aircraft carrier to the region enhances an already overwhelming air superiority and gives us the ability to hit a potential opponent very hard for an extended period. Now, let's see, who in the region might be begging for an extended campaign of bombing?

The liberal media doesn't have the experience or intelligence to recognize the significance of this move or what it might mean for the future. The United States does not haphazardly move an aircraft carrier, much less move a third ship into an area already chock full of American air power, without underlying strategic aims. I believe the move is intended to rattle the saber loud enough for Iran to hear clearly, and to provide the sort of additional air power that will be needed if force be required to limit the Iranian nuclear program. Solid proof is also available incriminating Iran in the deaths American troops in Iraq.

Watch and see what happens over the next several months. President Bush may be planning a little surprise party for the mullahs in Iran. The provocative actions of the Iranians have been tantamount to war, so it's time they got a dose of the real thing. My objection is that it has taken way too long for the CINC to address the terrorist state in Iran.


Monday, July 09, 2007


History is not kind to those who flee from battle, nor should it be. There comes a time when good men must oppose evil, by force if necessary. We did not choose this fight. Americans are by nature happier at peace. Yet when confronted by the ugly face of evil, we have traditionally stood up to and defeated it with surprising unity. Current events are demonstrating that this fine heritage is about to be betrayed by our own leaders.

The Iraq war resolution passed with overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress. Everyone was all for the war so long as the casualties were light and Saddam deposed. That accomplished, many Americans packed their psychological bags and figuratively went home. But war is not so exact a science as many would like. Rarely has any war ever fought gone according to plans made beforehand, ended as quickly as all would like, and seen few casualties. Those of us who have studied the end of WW2 know the Nazis didn't just disappear after official surrender. Many German dead-enders continued carrying out sabotage and bombings for years. Subsequently they were all either captured, killed, or stopped their activities after the new German government took hold. I use Germany as a reference because I know it best, and because the transition from despotic fascist state to democracy is similar. Support for Iraq the war quickly waned when the weak-kneed realized significant casualties were indeed occurring and that stabilizing Iraq would take much longer and be much more difficult than imagined.

Then the crazies came out. There are folks who will oppose military action of any kind at any time, and then there are those who detest the CINC so much that they will sacrifice blood and treasure only to denigrate the war effort. These people are not considering the disastrous foregn policy and defense implications of an Al Qaeda victory in Iraq. And that's what it would be. Cry civil war all you want, and Al Qaeda will still be there fomenting and carrying out violence against the Iraqi people. MoveOn.org appears to control the Democrat leadership on the war issue, so we get years of purposely misleading and outrageous statements designed to curry political favor. The collateral damage in these verbal blasts is our national security. Those who speak out should be sure they aren't doing the bidding of Bin Laden first. The anti-war groups in this country are the best ally Al Qaeda has: they continually weaken our resolve, demoralize our armed forces, and provide playable sound bites for all the America haters out there.

Now some pathetic alleged Republicans are joining in the rush to surrender. Every day brings us another Republican willing to abandon our Iraqi allies and leave them at the mercy of terrorists. Regardless of what you think about our getting in, the fact is we're there. Active armed combat against Al Qaeda is under way. Our forces are now directly engaged with the people who attacked us on 9/11. We have surged forces into the capital to secure the seat of government. Yet before the surge is complete or fully evaluated, the surrender monkeys are throwing excrement at the President and our troops.

How should we describe surrender? I describe it as cowardice in the face of the enemy and unacceptable. It's a real shame the politicians in Washington don't have anywhere near the same intestinal fortitude as our military. Supporting the troops means supporting the mission. Unwillingness to fight against Al Qaeda is the result of years of political pounding from ex-hippies trying to live the Vietnam experience all over. It's not the same and never will be. When all the flowery language is removed, those who support withdrawal from combat are nothing more than cowards: little boys who run from a tough fight with a bully because of a bloody nose.

If you really want to see an example of the evil we are facing, click here. Be warned, however, that the story is disturbing. If that isn't enough for you, scroll down and click on "Islamist Attrocities". None of us should EVER back down to terrorist murderers. Abandoning children in Iraq to the sort of barbarity detailed in the link above would be a shameful and disgraceful low point in our history. All Americans should realize withdrawal from Iraq in the near future probably will result in collapse of the elected government, the creation of an oil-rich terrorist state ruled by Iran and Al Qaeda, and genocide on an unimaginable scale. The stakes are enormous.

Calling for withdrawal now is gutless.


Friday, July 06, 2007


TAKING OUT THE TALIBAN: Over 100 nastly little insurgents were terminated in fighting in Afghanistan Friday. The Taliban and Al Qaeda are continuing their pathetic efforts to falsely accuse alllied forces of bombing civilians, and now they've even suckered the UN (no surprise) and the Associated Press into swallowing their bogus numbers. Who here with a brain really thinks coalition forces have killed more civilians than the Taliban this year? Ridiculous. The Associated Press should be at least a little ashamed. The UN has none. In any event, the terrorists in Afghanistan are taking a whoopin' no matter how the lib media spins it. I wish our forces continued success in eliminating America's enemies with all deliberate speed.

THE GUTLESS THREE: Three allegedly Republican U.S. Senators have now spoken out in favor of a "course change" in Iraq. When all the flowery language is removed, what they're talking about is surrendering by withdrawing forces from a major battle already engaged with Al Qaeda. Just like that. I have previously raked George Voinovich over the coals ("INTIMIDATING GEORGE VOINOVICH"), so now I have to add his two cowardly compatriots. All three of them should hang their heads in abject humiliation for advocating a policy of retreat in the face of the enemy. Dick Lugar, Pete Dominici, and Voinovich are examples of politicians that bend with the winds of the polls without regard to right or wrong. Their pandering is no more appealing than Billary changing accents to suit the crowd. Unfortunately, the security of our nation is involved, and these three "men" have chosen the little girl "cut and run" policy rather than stand up and fight evil. Sad.
Once again government officials elected as conservatives get to Washington and govern as liberals.

LIBERAL MEDIA WARNING: The libs are making a run at preemptively discrediting Fred Thompson, proving the strength of his upcoming candidacy. The past week has seen numerous media outlets run the same story about Fred being all style and no substance. Now they have focused on his Watergate role, including dredging up profane comments made by Nixon. None of this will work, and I predict by December, Fred Thompson will lead the field.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Each July 4th my thoughts are on the men of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. The Military Channel ran the "Revolutionary War" series narrated by the late, great Charles Kuralt all day long. I was able to catch the few parts I had not previously seen. To me, the Fourth will always be a rememberance of the unbelievable sacrifices of the men of the first American army.
The winter at Valley Forge is well known to most Americans, but that isn't even the tip of the iceberg. One has to remember that this army was a hastily assembled and poorly equipped force composed of volunteers. Comparing them to the opposing force makes them look dismal. The British army was well armed, well supplied, and experienced. They were trained in the formal European style of land warfare that sought regimented and orderly battle formations. The Continental Army was no match for the Brits, at least on paper. The Americans could not even rely on steady supply or pay. Many went a year or longer without being paid, and all the while their wives were begging them to come home. Stories of boiling and eating shoes were not restricted to Valley Forge. On several occasions, the only thing that kept the army together was sheer force of leadership will.
Washington, in addition to the normal military problems faced by a commander, also faced the constant struggle of keeping his band of farmers and merchants in one piece. George deserves credit for more than just his eventual vicotries on the battlefield. It was largely his personal leadership that kept the army from dissolving several times. To me, the single most amazing facet of the war is the army that refused to go away despite every reason to do so.
These man of the Continental Army were indeed special. Their willingness to endure no end of desperate circumstances is most notable. All Americans should recall and appreciate the great sacrifices they made for a new nation that was based not on a king or queen, but on the idea that government belongs to all citizens. Those of us with children should strive to pass the knowledge of what these men did for our nation on to them. Patriotism begins with the first American patriots.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


All the furor from Democrats over the Bush commutation of the Libby sentence has been quite amusing. I haven't experienced the usual anger or disgust I usually feel for liberal hypocrisy that goes unchallenged by the mass media. Nope, this time, I'm just laughing, and I have company. I have no doubt that the late Barbara Olson is laughing right along with the rest of us conservatives.

Mrs. Olson, a distinguished writer and speaker, was killed on 9/11. She was the wife of former Solicitor General Ted Olson, and they shared a horrific telephone communication on that day. She was a passenger aboard American 77 that crashed into the Pentagon. I did not personally know anyone killed that day, but the loss of Mrs. Olson hit me hard and still makes me livid when I think of what a beautiful and special person was taken from us. Barbara had found great success as a writer with "Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton", a bestseller that exposed Billary for the scary monster she is. Her last book, "The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House", was scheduled to be printed just two days after 9/11.

"The Final Days" is a stinging expose of the corrupt machine that was the Clinton presidency. A quick perusal of the list of individuals who received pardons or commutations down Clintons home stretch is very revealing. A large number were cocaine dealers and traffickers (including the Presidents brother, Roger). Other crimes included perjury, filing false tax returns, mail fraud, bank fraud, Medicaid fraud, illegally dispensing controlled substances, bribing a judge, taking a bribe, rolling back car odometers, anteater smuggling, and more. That's not even to mention Mark Rich or Carlos Vignali or the FALN terrorists, all pardoned. As Mrs. Olson says in her book, "All that is explicit is that rot, money, and Clintons go together."

So now when I hear Dems making ridiculous statements about the Libby matter, I get a real chuckle. What short memories they have. The last president of their party presided over the most corrupt pardon system ever. The amount of thunder and smoke raised about Libby is comical compared to the outright selling of executive action that surrounded both Clintons. There simply is no comparison. The Dems calling for Libby to be crucified for perjury are the same ones who defended Slick Willie when he lied under oath. When the hypocrisy is so outrageous and clear, all you can do is laugh.
I miss Barbara Olson very much. Her style, her rapier wit, and her breathtaking beauty are sorely missed, especially by conservatives and especially with Billary running for Queen. I cannot begin to imagine the loss suffered by Mr. Olson, but he appears to be doing well, and I hope he always does so. All I know is that I can hear Barbara laughing at the Dummycrats right along with me. She and I know better.
Mrs. Olsons "The Final Days" is available on Amazon. I highly recommend it as a warning of what is trying to repeat itself. Scary.