Monday, July 23, 2007


The Democrap candidates for President participated in a ridiculous "debate" put together by YouTube and CNN. One should have been able to guess that this monstrous combination could produce only one result: the most absurd forum ever seen for potential leaders of the free world (gulp). The majority of the questions asked had nothing to do with the actual job of President. This was cartoonish and undignified. Some might consider it "fun", but what it really represents is further dimunition of the office itself at the hands of the media.

A few of the questions submitted by YouTube users and selected in advance were actually serious inquiries concerning policy, but only a few. A member of our military stationed in Okinawa asked how Billary would deal with Muslim countries to whom womens rights are unknown. Hadn't thought of that one, but Billary was ready with her stock answer about her travels as First Lady. Not the same, Senator. No Arab will smooch your buttocks when you're the President of the United States. Surely she understands the difference between the two positions, or does she have experience at blurring that line? She even suggested it might be a poke in the eye to the Arabs. I don't see that. More like they would be ready to take advantage. Several other folks submitted questions about the Iraq front, and no news was made. The Democrap candidates are uniformly yellow.

Now to the bulk of the "debate". The Dems rally around four basic ideas:

1. We should retreat from Al Qaeda in Iraq and damn the consequences;
2. President Bush is bad and wrong and stubborn;
3. Raise federal taxes across the board; and
4. Use those taxes to fund bigger federal government.

Unfortunately for them, W. will not be running in '08. It will indeed be interesting to see what happens when the Dems lose their boogeyman/whipping boy. Governor Richardson actually used the phrase "major federal program". Now Governor, you've seen how effective the "major federal program" we call Border Patrol or ICE is at stopping illegals. Maybe the feds should get control of the programs they already have before they start more. They just never stop wanting to expand the size and scope of government at all levels. As for the taxes, people will not vote for a tax increase to expand government that cannot perform its basic duties. Even proposing retreat from the Iraq front aids enemy propaganda and fuels the terrorists. I never imagined we would witness this sort of willful retreat in the face of real evil.

Many of the questions diminished the Presidency itself or did not apply to the actual job. Questions about female registration for Selective Service, their favorite teacher, whether their children went to public or private school, and whether they had spoken to their kids about age appropriate sexual matters all have absolutely nothing to do with beig President of the United States. All wastes of time in an effort to be cute. It didn't stop there. Crazy Dennis Kucinich actually encourage the audience to text "PEACE" to members of Congress. Questions submitted by a snowman about global warming and a heavy metal rap video about No Child Left Behind did nothing to add to the prestige. Laughably, the Dem audience observing for Frank Luntz on Fox were all fired up about the format. It is notable that the idea of Congress infringing on the role of CINC is uniform throughout the left.

Hussein Obama showed the inside of his empty suit by immediately agreeing to meet with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuala, and North Korea. Billary jumped in and slammed him by saying she would only do so if proper diplomatic work were done ahead of time. Looney Mike Gravel provided the irony for the night in a campaign commercial claiming Iraq should have been a "police action based on global intelligence." Think about that.

Once again, Fred Thompson for President 2008.


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