Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Hussein Obama tried to look tough today and instead looked just as naive and inexperienced as he acutally is underneath all the hype. Hussein claims he would send significant U.S. forces into the mountainous regions of northwest Pakistan, but only on "actionable intelligence". Then he expressed the ignorant idea of pressuring Musharraf.

This is just too good to pass up. Obama has the least experience of any of the candidates in both parties, so he feels the need to look wise on foreign policy matters. Unfortunately his declarations have the opposite effect because they're just not clearly thought out or smart for America. He appears unaware of the delicate situation in Pakistan, unaware of Al Qaeda attempts to kill Musharraf, unaware that a government collapse could lead to nuclear arms in terrorist hands, and unaware of the military risks of such a venture. Husseins desperation to look experienced after Billary called him naive last week has led to statements that totally ignore facts on the ground and are dangerous. So the Obama plan is to chat with all the rougues and thugs, and then pressure and threaten to invade our allies.

The race is slipping away from him. He's one of the few who hasn't realized the Democrap primary is a coronation for Billary. He has missed his moment and still won't throw a punch at her. This woman has a million skeletons in the closet, and he would be shrewd to drag a few out for public display. This business of constantly trying to dance around her is pathetic.

Looks like the junior Senator from Illinois has opened his jacket, and the crowd is discovering the suit is empty. Some of us already knew that.

Inexperience and desperation is always a bad mix.


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