Thursday, August 23, 2007


1. SENATOR WARNER LOSING GRIP ON REALITY: Yesterday Senator John Warner (R-VA) suggested the President should immediately start a planned withdrawal of at least 5,000 troops from Iraq. Where has the Senator been for the past four years? Surely he realizes the absurdity of what he is saying. For the love of Pete, man, have you no idea of the situation politically and militarily? President Bush has resisited this kind of talk from the Dems for years, rightly insisting the Iraq front is central to the entire war. Now measurable success can finally be seen on the ground, and Senator Warner throws out this bit of idiocy.
Warner thinks a small redeployment will make the Iraqis realize we won't be there forever. He actually believes such a plan will "show we mean business". Actually it will show Al Qaeda we, once again, have Americans who don't have the stomach for the fight, one of their central tenets. The leaders of our government on both sides of the aisle have been irresponsible in their public statements, and in fact hurt our effort because of Al Qaeda propaganda. Political leaders in Washington need to publicly shut up and keep their concerns behind closed doors.
2. CHINA OUTRAGE CONTINUES: Is there no end to the list of contaminated and/or defective products from China? Our federal government is failing in its basic responsibility to protect American consumers. The mountain of evidence accumulating on the failures and negligence of Chinese industry is too big to miss. One has to consider, given the volume and variety of products involved, that not all of this current tidal wave of bad goods is necessarily accidental or negiligent. What evidence do I have of this? Simple: lead paint on childrens toys and other products is completely out of place. The use of lead in paint has been known as potentially toxic for decades. Lead gave the paint the ability to resist color fading from exposure to weather and added durability. Were the Chinese thinking these childrens goods would be exposed to massive amounts of weather? The use of lead in these types of paints has to be intentional. No one with a brain knowingly manafactures childrens articles with toxic ingredients: kids chew on things. It is difficult to imagine that each and every case of contaminated products is completely accidental. The U.S. government should take swift and drastic measures to deal with poison from China. The communist giant is stealing our wallets and poisoning our children as Congress and the President stand idly by. EMBARGO NOW!
3. PERVERT SET FREE: The weirdo from California whose hobby is taking pictures of underage girls and posting them on the internet along with directions on finding them was twice arrested and then released. Now it looks like the state authorities are going to pursue additional measures to keep this pedophile away from children. Good thing, else the community take the responsibility for dealing with this creep. Any parents who spot him taking photos or lurking about should form a quick posse and confront him ASAP. The law can only protect the people if they are present, and this being America, citizens have a right to defend their children. I make no bones about it, I think pedophiles should be executed for the first offense. As the parent of a young boy, I'll say this to any dirtbag who either attempts to photograph or assault my child: I'm not calling the police. At all. Pray the authorities find you first.

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