Tuesday, December 04, 2007


CHRIS MATTHEWS NEEDS PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING: I dared to catch Hardball this evening, and I deeply regret it. The liberal disconnect from reality, law, and history never ceases to amaze me, but more about that later. Chris was all fired up about the latest NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) that claims Iran suspended it's nuke program in 2003. Matthews actually declared "Peace reigns."
The very same leftists who distort or ignore pre-war intelligence on Iraq to use it as a cudgel against the President are now insisting this bit of wisdom on Iran from the CIA is absolute, pulpit-pounding gospel that cannot be denied. That's because it fits their agenda of bashing the CINC no matter the risk to national security. First, we have to view any information coming from the CIA as suspect, and I'm sorry it's come to that. The American people deserve better than a top intelligence agency that has repeatedly demonstrated it's disdain for the President. They were wrong on the fall of the Soviet Union, wrong on Iraq, and they're wrong in this case. It's a shame one of the chief instruments of American defense is widely seen as not very credible, and this latest report does nothing to change that image. It's way past time to completely overhaul the Central Intelligence Agency to make it more effective and less roguish. Sometimes the spies try to function as a fourth branch of government, accountable to neither Congress nor the President, and that must end. The CIA is accountable to the CINC, period. Perhaps if the boys in Langley spent more time on research than on politics, we'd all be better for it.
Second, liberal reaction to this NIE is just more of their pacifist foreign policy. To the left, war is never justifiable under any circumstances and everything would be better if we were only nicer to other countries. It's a very romantic and childish view of the world, and it persists in liberal dogma despite all evidence to the contrary. The history of our great nation shows again and again that an America disengaged and prostrate against tyrants and other bad guys invites attack. Further, it's like the rest of liberal philosophy: based on emotion instead of logic. They see the world the way they wish it was and proceed from there. Maybe the reality is just too scary for them.
Chris trotted out tired old Delaware Senator and Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden, dean of the defeatist liberal foreign policy wonks. To make the situation even further over the top, Biden stood by his earlier statement actually threatening to impeach President Bush if he were to attack Iran without Congressional authorization. That's it, Joe, completely ignore the Constitution you are sworn to uphold. You know, that part about the President being Commander In Chief, and Congress having absolutely NO say except for funding. Biden is the stereotypical Senator who dreams of being King, gets tired of waiting, and attempts to usurp the power of the CINC. Then there's the sheer insanity of inserting that sort of divisive rhetoric into the body politic at a time when the credible threat of American military power is our trump card against a terrorist regime. Biden is stunningly naive and stupid for a man of his age and experience. I guess you never outgrow a bleeding heart.
Matthews never was a fair or insightful journalist. His usual guests from the media are largely Democrat mouthpieces posing as reporters or columnists. His show is now barely watchable. Not much more can be expected from a network (MSNBC) without a conservative voice. Joe Scarborough sold out to the whiny East Coast media long ago, Tucker Carlson is a nice guy but definitely not a jingocon, and Keith Olberman should be broadcasting in Arabic.
SPOONS MAKE YOU FAT: Another annoying tendency in our society amongst all types of folks is to blame an inanimate, concrete object for bad intentions or human actions. All the lefties think guns are in of themselves inately evil and that guns cause crime. To them, merely possessing a weapon can cause one to commit crimes, and therefore the answer to crime is to restrict gun ownership. The internet is evil and causes people to take all sorts of dangerous and irresponsible actions. Alcohol is evil and causes people to get killed in traffic accidents. Cellphones are evil and cause traffic accidents. Televison is evil and leads children to violence. Video games are evil and lead children to violence. Movies are evil and lead children to violence. Society is responsible for school shootings. The list is endless. In each case, it is the human responsibility that is being missed. No concrete objects should be seen as accountable for human actions. PEOPLE that use firearms in an illegal way or PEOPLE that are careless enough to get behind the wheel after drinking are the responsible parties, not the physical objects they employ. Children become violent only after years of parental neglect, not as a result of media. Again, the technology or the content is blamed instead of poor parenting and lack of discipline. It's just like saying spoons make you fat. PEOPLE are to blame for bad intentions and bad actions regardless of the technology or objects used. Guns don't kill people. No gun has ever killed anyone. Humans at the trigger have killed lots, but no gun ever did anything other that function the very way it was designed and intended.

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