Monday, May 28, 2007


IRAN / U.S. MEETING: For the first time in twenty-seven years, the United States and Iran conducted a diplomatic meeting, focused solely on Iraq. Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki clearly stated that coalition forces are needed in his country until the security situation improves. The Iranians, who have been smuggling EFPs into Iraq to kill American forces, blamed the U.S. for the inadequate security forces. The Iranians continue to deny they are shipping arms and training terrorists to destabilize Iraq despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The meeting produced nothing and went nowhere to no one's surprise. The Iranian regime is an unrepentant state sponsor of terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Israel to name but a few. I agree with those who call for "engaging" Iran. We should "engage" their planes, ships, and nuclear sites as soon as possible before we or one of our allies lose a major city to nuclear attack.

PRESIDENTIAL DEMS: Today the Three Stooges (Billary, Hussein Obama, Johnny Edwards) once again dishonored themselves and their pathetic party by using (of all things) Memorial Day as a platform to preach surrender and attack the CINC. The one day a year we have to honor our fallen warriors mutated by the Dems into defeatism. They simply have no honor. Allow me to explain further. Billary, quoting a media report using the infamous "unnamed senior administration official", suggested she thinks rumors of a major troop reduction in Iraq signal the President is admitting defeat and planning withdrawal. Wrong, Billary, and I missed the announcement of your joining the Bush inner sanctum. Thanks for encouraging Al Qaeda. Next up, empty suit Hussein Obama, who first proclaimed that Memorial Day is not a time for politics, then proceeded to bash the CINC. More encouragement for Bin Laden. Finally, and worst of all, perfectly coifed Johnny Edwards used the holiday to ask people to protest agaist the war in Iraq. What war, Senator? Just days ago you proclaimed the war a mere "bumper sticker". I'm afraid Johnny is perilously close to joining the likes of Hanoi Jane Fonda and the Dixie Chicks, all known for disloyal acts in time of war. Using a holiday that remembers the sacrifices of those who died in defense of freedom to further a defeatist agenda is beyond bad taste. It's more like aiding and abetting the enemies of America by providing fodder for their propaganda machine. The Dems do not acknowledge the reenlistment rates of U.S. troops in Iraq, or that those troops believe in their mission and want to finish the job. Selling out to the treasonous liberal mob speaks for itself.

PERSONAL THOUGHTS: America pauses once a year to remember our fallen military heroes. To paraphrase General Patton, we should not mourn them, but instead thank God that they existed. Those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to defend the United States deserve our undying gratitude. Perhaps all Americans should pause more often to consider those who have fallen in defense of our freedoms. I would like to especially recognize the fallen paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division.


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