Wednesday, June 20, 2007


One of the nice ladies from "Code Pink" appeared on Hannity tonight. "Code Pink" is a far-left organization of women opposing all wars and President Bush in general. They have a very naive view of the world, like most libs, and seem to exist in a fantasy world of balloons and flowers. The terms they throw around are amusing, so here's a jingocon translation:

"THE TRUTH IN IRAQ": The ladies use this one a lot. They use it to suggest that the U.S. military is wantonly killing innocent civilians. They don't seem to have a problem with the terrorists using children in suicide bombings.

"OCCUPATION": According to "Code Pink", any use of military force results in an "occupation". The ladies apparently aren't aware that occupiers don't allow elections or encourage self-governance. Referring to the American military as "occupiers" is shameful and a factual error.

"SITTING DUCKS": American troops enganged in combat (presumably on a killing rampage) and suffering casualties are automatically "sitting ducks".

"MILITARISM": To the "Pink" Ladies, this means national self-defense.

"BLAMING IRAQIS": The ladies are accusing Billary of "blaming Iraqis" after she listed the accomplishments of the American forces in Iraq. Sad.

It's hard to believe anyone could be this far out of touch with reality. According to their website, "We reject the Bush administrations fear-based politics that justify violence, and instead call for policies based on compassion, kindness, and a commitment to international law." Well, isn't that nice? I don't even know where to start.
Ladies, fear-based politics aren't necessary to justify violence. The horrific death of nearly three thousand of our citizens on 9/11 justifies all the violence we can muster. Whether or not Al Qaeda was in Iraq before we arrived is irrelevant. They are there now and have declared Iraq the central front. I have no mercy for those who kill innocent American women and children. None. I really do wish we could base our policies on compassion and kindness. History shows that we usually get our behinds kicked for our kindness. Our terrorist enemies do not know kindness or mercy. They chop off heads on the internet instead. The compassion and kindness "Code Pink" shows to Iraqis should be directed toward the families of those killed on 9/11 or in combat. And in case you haven't noticed, the only "international law" on our planet is the law of the jungle. Peace through superior firepower is the rule.
Wake up, ladies. Your dreams of pink lollipops and peace on earth are mere delusions. I would suggest you all slip on your big girl panties and realize our enemies are using you for propaganda purposes. War is not pretty, so maybe you should all just hide under your beds until the shooting stops. That way, you don't get injured and Al Qaeda loses a mouthpiece.


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